"I Love My Mom as Much as Vegetables" Kids Planting Class (Ages 6 - 12)Enrichment"I Love My Mom as Much as Vegetables" Kids Planting Class (Ages 6 - 12) Give your kids the chance to create something special this Mother’s Day! In this fun, hands-on planting class, children will grow their very own veggie basket, featuring radishes, basil, strawberries, lettuce, and carrots. Not only is it an exciting way to learn about fruits and vegetables, but it also makes the perfect heartfelt gift for Mom. All materials will be provided, including dirt, organic fertilizer, seeds, and containers. Spaces fill quickly, so reserve your spot today! Parents can either drop children off, or stay & watch.Spring / Summer 2025
5 Common Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Hard-Earned Retirement LIVE OnlineEnrichment5 Common Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Hard-Earned Retirement LIVE Online Whether you are in your 40s, 50s, or 60s there are several milestones and overlooked life areas where financial mistakes can lead to results that range from discomfort to disaster. Let’s identify those issues for you in a comfortable learning session full of real-life examples and opportunities to get questions and issues answered.Winter 2025
AdultPequot Lakes Community Education allows adult participants a safe, enjoyable, and relaxed setting to pursue new interests, socialize with others, or engage in new activities you may not have otherwise had the opportunity to do!Category
Adult Arts & CraftsTry your hand at a new medium or sharpen your skills in our arts and crafts classes.Category
Adult Basic EducationPequot Lakes Community Education partners with Brainerd Adult Basic Education to offer opportunities to acquire and improve academic skills. Call 218-855-8166 for more information.Category
Adults with DisabilitiesCategory
Adults with Disabilities: Night out at the Movies "Snow White" (Ages 18 & Up)Adults with DisabilitiesAdults with Disabilities: Night out at the Movies "Snow White" (Ages 18 & Up) Join us for an exciting night out at the movies! Meet us at Sunset Cinema for the new Snow White Disney movie. Price Includes admission, small popcorn & a small pop. All ages of family members are welcome to join!Winter 2025
Air Fryer Hype! Copycat KFC & Recipe IdeasCooking & BakingAir Fryer Hype! Copycat KFC & Recipe Ideas Online Wondered what the Air Fryer Hype is about? Do you have one and want ideas about what to make in it besides fries or crisping up frozen processed foods? Are you thinking about purchasing one but would like to know more about it first? You’ll experience a variety of recipes including homemade egg rolls, wraps, pizza bites, seasoned potato wedges, and burgers! Members of the same household can register as "one".Fall 2024
Air Fryer Veggies LIVE OnlineCooking & BakingAir Fryer Veggies LIVE Online Using an Air Fryer to cook vegetables is quick—and the healthy results are delicious! The instructor will demonstrate a variety of recipes using in-season local and/or commonly available vegetables including Lemon Pepper Broccoli, Miso Sesame Kale Chips, and Roasted Sweet Potatoes. There will be ample time for questions during the session, and participants will receive a link to the recording afterwards so you can cook along at your convenience. Supply list will be sent out prior to the class.Winter 2025
WaitlistApril Early Childhood Screening (Ages 3 - 5)Preschool ScreeningREQUIRED Early Childhood SCREENING Attention all 3 - 5 year olds! Early Childhood Screening is required by law for all children prior to the start of Kindergarten. Early Childhood Screening is offered free of charge. We strongly encourage parents to screen at age 3 (the ideal age for screening is 3 ½). Early Childhood screening is a free check-in of how your child is learning and growing. Screening includes developmental assessment, vision and hearing tests, height and weight measurements and an immunization and health history review. Screening helps identify children who may need additional time and experiences to be ready for school and connects families to Early Childhood programs and community resources. Screening appointments take approximately 1.5 hours. If you have any questions, please give our office a call at 218.562.7520Early Childhood Family Education 24-25
Arts & CraftsLet your creativity shine and learn new techniques in our painting, needlework, and craft classes for youth of all ages.Category
August Early Childhood Screening (Ages 3 - 5)Preschool ScreeningREQUIRED Early Childhood SCREENING Attention all 3 - 5 year olds! Early Childhood Screening is required by law for all children prior to the start of Kindergarten. Early Childhood Screening is offered free of charge. We strongly encourage parents to screen at age 3 (the ideal age for screening is 3 ½). Early Childhood screening is a free check-in of how your child is learning and growing. Screening includes developmental assessment, vision and hearing tests, height and weight measurements and an immunization and health history review. Screening helps identify children who may need additional time and experiences to be ready for school and connects families to Early Childhood programs and community resources. Screening appointments take approximately 1.5 hours. If you have questions, please call the Community Education office at 218.568.9200.Early Childhood Family Education 25-26
Baseball & SoftballBaseball, softball, and t-ball are offered for boys and girls from pre-K through middle school. There are many opportunities including youth sports leagues, hitting and pitching camps, and more.Category
BasketballWe offer a variety of programs for all levels of play, from youth clinics up to open gym time. Many of our youth offerings are coached by our varsity basketball program!Category
Before & After School Kid KonnectionKid KonnectionPequot Lakes Community Education's Childcare Program Kid Konnection offers before school, after school and some non-school full day care during the school year and summer care at Eagle View Elementary School Year Kid Konnection Child Care is offered to children entering grades K-5 each Fall. Summer Kid Konnection is for children entering Kindergarten through the summer following 5th grade. Children must be 5 years of age by May 1 and registered to attend Kindergarten (or Patriot Academy) in the fall in order to attend Summer Kid Konnection. Children age out in the fall of their 6th grade year (care ends the last day of Summer Kid Konnection). The Purpose of Kid Konnection is to provide each and every child with a safe and wholesome environment to play and interact. Participants will experience caring staff who offer meaningful student learning and recreational opportunities designed to enhance a child’s social, physical, cognitive and recreational skills. Kid Konnection summer and non-school day child care is available to all families, regardless of residence or school district. The Kid Konnection before and after school program is available for children who attend Pequot Lakes Public Schools. When you submit your registration, you will receive an email notifying you that your contract is waiting for staff approval. Your child is NOT registered for Kid Konnection until you receive a second email stating your contract has been accepted. At that time, your card will be charged the $30 registration fee. A $30 registration fee is charged per child per Kid Konnection Session (School Year / Summer). This fee secures your child's spot in Kid Konnection. Kid Konnection Calendar Kid Konnection HandbookSchool Year 2024-2025 KK Site
Beginner BeekeepingEnrichmentBeginner Beekeeping Honey bees are a vital component to our ecosystem and pollinators for fruits, vegetables and flowers. Learn the importance of honeybees, beekeeping, biology and how to manage a beehive. An excellent class for anyone interested in starting a beehive of their own. Jon has been raising bees for over 10 years; he produces some amazing honey. Handouts will be provided, there will be plenty of time for questions and answers.Winter 2025
Behind the Wheel Registration (Ages 15 & Up)EnrichmentCommunity Education has partnered with Mille Lacs Driving School to offer Behind the Wheel instruction. Students can be picked up at home, or at school, or another location of their choosing. This registration is to sign up for Behind the Wheel training & receive the Blue Card. Student must have completed the 30 hour classroom portion and have received a copy of the Certificate of Completion before they can register for Behind the Wheel (Certificate of Completion must be provided (uploaded) when signing up). 1. Student has completed 30 hour classroom instruction and received Certificate of Completion 2. Please go online or stop by the Community Education office (open 9-4, Monday - Thursday) to sign up for Behind the Wheel with Mille Lacs Driving School. 3. Please bring in a copy of the Certificate of Completion when registering with Community Ed. 4. Once the student is signed up, Mille Lacs Driving School will contact the student to set up the contract, receive payment and issue the blue card. 5. Take written permit exam at an exam location (must present Blue Card, 2 forms of ID ... typically Certified Copy of Birth Certificate and Social Security Card). The permit exam is $10. Mille Lacs Driving School offers the permit test in Brainerd (Mille Lacs Driving Permit Test Schedule) 6. Go to the DMV to get your Driving Permit, you must bring 2 forms of ID (see above), Blue Card and proof of passing the knowledge permit test. Fee: $29.50 7. Line up Behind the Wheel training with Mille Lacs Driving School (6 hours). It is suggested that students have at least 15 hours of driving with parent before scheduling the first session of Behind the Wheel.Winter 2025
Business & FinanceOur business and finance classes are learning opportunities in areas such as insurance, small business start-ups, earning money online, and more.Category
Community Education Garage SaleBusiness & FinanceGet a jump start to the garage sale season with this INDOOR sale event! We are currently looking for vendors who have household, clothing, toys and more to sell. YOU keep all the money you earn! You choose the set up time. Set up can happen the night before or the morning of the sale. * Please note, this is a garage sale and not a vender show. New merchandise and baked goods ARE allowed ONLY if the overall booth contains garage sale items.Winter 2025
Cookie Decorating Classes: Easter Theme Cookies (Ages 6 - 13 with adult, Ages 14 - Adult)Cooking & BakingCookie Decorating Classes (Ages 6 - 13 with adult, Ages 14 - Adult) Create deliciously edible pieces of art with these cookies! Participants will go home with 4 beautifully decorated cookies in each of these classes. The instructor will walk you through the process. All supplies included. Adult/Child combo can decorate a 4-pack of cookies for one fee or 8 cookies if the adult registers too.Winter 2025
Cookie Decorating Classes: Fun Flower Cookies (Ages 6 - 13 with adult, Ages 14 - Adult)Cooking & BakingCookie Decorating Classes (Ages 6 - 13 with adult, Ages 14 - Adult) Create deliciously edible pieces of art with these cookies! Participants will go home with 4 beautifully decorated cookies in each of these classes. The instructor will walk you through the process. All supplies included. Adult/Child combo can decorate a 4-pack of cookies for one fee or 8 cookies if the adult registers too.Winter 2025
Cooking & BakingCreate a culinary delight in one of our cooking or baking classes!Category
Cooking & BakingCooking and baking skills are fun to share with everyone! Learn a new technique, how to use a new kitchen gadget, or just play with some new recipes. We offer both online and in-person cook-along classes.Category
DanceParticipants will work on strength, flexibility, and technique in our dance camps. Many of our camps are coached by members of the Revolution Dance Team.Category