Health & Wellness
Course Category
About Health & Wellness

We offer classes on specific topics, such as Alzheimer's or heart health, as well as offering CPR/First Aid certification several times per year.

Featured Courses

  • Improve Your Health At Any Age LIVE Online

    Improve Your Health At Any Age LIVE Online Studies show you can be 50 and have the physiology of a 30 year old (and vice versa), depending on how well you take care of yourself. Every day your body makes about 330 billion new cells, which means 3.8 million cells are replaced every second! The quality of cells your body can produce is dependent on what raw materials you have floating around your bloodstream. We’ll discuss simple steps you can take now to make every system in your body as healthy as possible
  • Steps to Reverse or Prevent Diabesity LIVE Online

    Steps to Reverse or Prevent Diabesity LIVE Online Diabesity is a condition in which too much belly fat leads a person to symptoms ranging from mild blood sugar imbalance to full blown diabetes. Whether you have a little extra weight around the middle, insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes, the root cause of all these conditions are the same - problems with our diet, lifestyle and exposure to environmental toxins. The good news - all of this can be reversed. Learn how to work with your doctor to restore your body to health!